
目前分類:【待業心情】 (27)

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這次面試的是一家外商公司 (好擔心是假外資真台商哦!)


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emilyhyh 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Today is third day after I quit my job. Just three days, it makes feel like a useless person. Anyway, I found that I have a lot of things have to complete. First, I enrolled the TOEIC test on January 23rd. That means I have to study very hard to achive my goal-gold certification. Second, I have to prepare my CV for hunting a new job. It's not difficult to me, but it needs a few time. Third, I am learning Japanese and Korean at the same time. I didn't spend too much time on them. I will use this chance well to make up them. Finally, I have so many books haven't read. I think that it's time to do them.

I hope that I could find a new and interesting job as soon as possible. I don't want to have a job after Chinese New Year. I afraid that will be too late. God bless me. Please.

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2009/01/16 金曜日

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2009/01/11    日曜日

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2009/01/07  水曜日

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2008/12/30   月曜日

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2008/12/23   火曜日

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2008/12/04    木曜日

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2008/12/2 月曜日です。 天気:晴れ。

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2008/11/25   月曜日

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200811/21    金曜日

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2008/11/12   水曜日

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2008/11/11     月曜日

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2008/11/03  月曜日

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2008/10/29   水曜日

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2008/10/26 日曜日

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2008/10/21 月曜日

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